

We specialize in developing state-of-the-art techniques to generate intense electromagnetic radiation across the terahertz (THz), long-wavelength infrared (LWIR), and mid-infrared (MIR) spectra, which are considered challenging to produce. We integrate multimodal probing schemes like full-spectrum ellipsometry, Raman spectroscopy, and second-harmonic generation to unravel intricate dynamics at femtosecond resolution. We also collaborate with national facilities to leverage ultrashort X-ray pulses to capture atomic transformation directly


Generation of high-field terahertz pulses

THz radiation has a variety of compelling applications, including material diagnostics, industrial quality control, non-intrusive standoff sensing, homeland security, and wireless communication. Recently, the major experimental advances in intense THz pulse generation have set the stage for dramatic advances in our ability not just to understand matter but to coherently drive it into novel nonequilibrium phases by manipulating the key low-frequency modes. In our lab, we design innovative approaches to address the most challenging limitations inherent in high-field THz technology. We focus on the optical rectification process in a lithium niobate crystal to downconvert near-infrared (NIR) pulses to THz pulses at 0.2-3 THz range, with the phase-matching condition satisfied by the tilted-pulse-front technique. Upon readiness for experimentation, our high-field THz pulses will facilitate advanced probing to resolve subtle spectroscopic features across specific spectral ranges, including femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering, phase-sensitive second harmonic generation, sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy, and THz multidimensional spectroscopy.

Selected publications: 

Generation of high-field long-wavelength infrared and mid-infrared pulses

Our goal for surgical control of physicochemical processes necessitates the generation of intense light pulses in the LWIR and MIR ranges. We generate frequency-tunable LWIR and MIR pulses (10-100 THz) by difference frequency mixing of femtosecond NIR pulses (signal and idler) in a nonlinear crystal (e.g., GaSe), produced by optical parametric amplifiers. Stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase is achieved by mixing the signal and idler beams seeded by a common white light continuum. Employing the chirped-and-delay method allows the preparation of narrowband pulses with durations in the tens of picoseconds.

Selected publications:

Ultrafast spectroscopy and control at single-molecule levels

Understanding the energy pathways of light deposition is a central focus in chemistry and materials research, with complexity stemming from ultrafast interactions between lattice ions, spins, and electrons. Meanwhile, dimensionality reduction leads to peculiar thermodynamics, quantum physics, and extreme environmental sensitivity. These effects engender substantial particle heterogeneity and inter-particle coupling, rendering measurements on densely packed or hierarchical materials to be of minimal value towards addressing the goal of elucidating fundamental dynamics. We focus on visualizing the energy flow of single molecules or nanoparticles by developing ultrafast single-molecule spectroscopy based on fluorescence detection. The integration of THz and MIR excitation broadens spectral features, offering refined control and profound insights at the single molecule level. They could open new avenues for extreme-scale characterization and synthetic improvements in quantum information and clean energy development.

Selected publications:

Intense THz-LWIR-MIR excitation at national X-ray facilities 

At our UW lab, we perform multimodal experiments to extract electronic and atomic dynamics based on the optical responses, mode-resolved analysis, symmetry-sensitive observation, etc. Additionally, we conduct big experiments at national facilities, including synchrotron and free-electron laser sources worldwide. This entails close collaboration with the local team to integration of our home-built THz, LWIR, and MIR generation setup with their experimental configuration. Leveraging ultrashort soft and hard x-ray pulses available enables precise probing of induced responses via diffraction and scattering techniques. This reveals rapid changes in atomic structures, as well as charge/spin/orbital orders, unveiling structural, electronic, and magnetic transformation upon nonequilibrium perturbation. 

SACLA, Japan (2019)

APS, Argonne (2022)

LCLS, SLAC (2023)